Balkan Kaleidoscope

Balkan Kaleidoscope

Donors: European Commission

Program: Europe for Citizens Programme, European Remembrance strand

Timespan:August 2017 – January 2019

BALKAN KALEIDOSKOP is a project that involves students and teachers on the importance of multiperspectivity in learning history and indicates the knowledge of Yugoslav Wars as fundamental tool to understand the present. 13 partners, from 8 different countries of Europe and Balkans areas, lead the project.


  • Bring attention to importance and value of oral history and multiperspectivity in historic narrative.
  • Develop teachers’ capacities for using multiperspective methodology, personal narratives and oral history, participative and interactive methods starting from Western Balkans most recent history.
  • Promote among young people a deeper understanding of Europe’s shared history and common values, develop respect, tolerance and appreciation of European diversity on the background of remembrance of Yugoslav Wars and efforts for European integration. Help them to better understand the complex and sensitive issues of intercultural and interethnic dialogue.
  • Reflect of importance of peace in Europe and of furthering the EU integration.


LDA Subotica, Serbia - Leading partner; ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy, France; LDA Knjazevac, Serbia; LDA Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; LDA Zavidovici, Bosnia and Herzegovina; LDA Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; KulturLife, Germany; Institute for National History of Macedonia, Macedonia, Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Croatia; Municipality of Ravenna, Italy; SPES – Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato del Lazio, Italy; Sombor Education Centre, Serbia; Znanstvenorazikovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti, Slovenia

Project web page:

The project, funded by the European Union under the "Europe for Citizens" program, "Balkan Kaleidoscope", was concluded in 2018 In Zavidovići, students learned about the concept of multiperspectivity in history teaching, and the importance of personal stories and narratives seen from different perspectives through the workshops. First workshop was held on the topic „What the young people know about the Yugoslav wars“. In the workshop, using the methods of multiperspectivity, they presented their views on the concepts and events related to the life in Yugoslavia and the events during its breakup. The second workshop was held on the topic "Victory…
From 4th to 7th October the city of Mostar, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, hosted the second international event of the EU project "Balkan Kaleidoscope". The two-day event, entitled "Teachers and students for multi-perceptivity in history and remembrance teaching", brought together representatives of project partners from 7 european member states and Western Balkans countries to present activities carried out in their local communities. The event was attended by around fifty professors and history teachers, as well as students conducting researches in the field of multi-perspectivity with an emphasis on history teaching. During the first two days, partners from Slovenia, Macedonia and…
LDA Zavidovići organized a second educational workshop for secondary school students titled "Multiperspectivity in the transmission of history" on the 26th April 2018. It was attended by students of „Secondary Technical school" from Zavidovići, and the lecturers were professors Najdan Starčević and Haris Husić. The workshop was aimed at presenting young people with an understanding of history and events by looking at them from several angles and perspectives, multiperspectivity approach. Young people participating in the workshops had the opportunity to discuss the historical events that took place on the territory of the former Yugoslavia but also on the territory of…
Within the “Balkan Kaleidoscope” project, co-funded through the Europe for Citizens Program, LDA Zavidovići organized an educational workshop for secondary school students titled "Multiperspectivity in the transmission of history", the workshop took place on the 19th April 2018. It was attended by students of secondary school Gymnasium “Rizah Odžečkić" from Zavidovići, and the lecturers were professors Najdan Starčević, Dragan Šimšić and Haris Husić. The workshop was aimed at presenting young people with an understanding of history and events by looking at them from several angles and perspectives, multiperspectivity approach. Young people participating in the workshops had the opportunity to discuss…
The first Balkan Kaleidoscope international event was held 15 to 18 November in Osijek, Croatia, hosted by the project partner Centre for Peace and Non-violence. All together 13 partner organisations from 8 countries were represented in the training on the main topic multiperspectivity approaches and methodological concepts in history teaching. Twenty six (26) history teachers, pedagogues, sociologists, young scholars, youth workers, NGO practitioners were actively engaged in the workshops combining theoretic conceptualisation and practical approaches in present days history teaching on break-up of former Yugoslavia and consequent armed conflicts in the Balkans during 90’ties. In introductory notes, Angel Cabarkapa on…
Balkan Kaleidoscope is a project addressing one of the bloodiest conflicts in contemporary history of Europe that had not ended until the Western Balkans collapsed into pieces. Several decades of shared history had been forgotten and lost in ashes, families separated, neighbors turned into enemies, parents buried their children, while eventually Yugoslavia as a historic monument to unification of different Slavic nations was deconstructed into “old-new” independent entities and countries. The project partners representing civil society, local authorities, educational institutions from different local communities and walks of life across Europe will be debating about the culture of remembrance and about…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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