Balkan Kaleidoscope
Donors: European Commission
Program: Europe for Citizens Programme, European Remembrance strand
Timespan:August 2017 – January 2019
BALKAN KALEIDOSKOP is a project that involves students and teachers on the importance of multiperspectivity in learning history and indicates the knowledge of Yugoslav Wars as fundamental tool to understand the present. 13 partners, from 8 different countries of Europe and Balkans areas, lead the project.
- Bring attention to importance and value of oral history and multiperspectivity in historic narrative.
- Develop teachers’ capacities for using multiperspective methodology, personal narratives and oral history, participative and interactive methods starting from Western Balkans most recent history.
- Promote among young people a deeper understanding of Europe’s shared history and common values, develop respect, tolerance and appreciation of European diversity on the background of remembrance of Yugoslav Wars and efforts for European integration. Help them to better understand the complex and sensitive issues of intercultural and interethnic dialogue.
- Reflect of importance of peace in Europe and of furthering the EU integration.
LDA Subotica, Serbia - Leading partner; ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy, France; LDA Knjazevac, Serbia; LDA Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; LDA Zavidovici, Bosnia and Herzegovina; LDA Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina; KulturLife, Germany; Institute for National History of Macedonia, Macedonia, Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights, Croatia; Municipality of Ravenna, Italy; SPES – Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato del Lazio, Italy; Sombor Education Centre, Serbia; Znanstvenorazikovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti, Slovenia
Project web page: