SeeNet is a network of local authorities from Italy and South Eastern Europe that collaborate in a three-year Programme of decentralised cooperation in order to strengthen the governance skills ofinvolved territoriesand promote sustainable local development.
The Programme focuses on the consolidation of long-term partnership between the two shores of the Adriatic Sea and on the support to the integration process in the European Union of South-East European countries. Furthermore, the Programme intends to establish an integrated system of decentralised cooperation in Italy aimed at promoting the development of innovative local policies.
SeeNet is based on the joint work and the sharing of goals and interventionstrategies. According to a logic of reciprocity, it promotes an equal relationship among partners oriented to the sharing of knowledge and practices and represents a chance of growth for all territories involved.
The Programme is co-funded by the General Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCS-MAE) and coordinated by the Tuscany Region, in partnership with other Italian Regions (Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Piedmont, Veneto) and the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Partners of the Programme are local authorities, Italian technical organisations and 46 local authorities in South Eastern Europe.
Piemonte Region was selected as the project leader of Vertical Actions 2B program, called “Development of farm holiday centres in the mountain areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina” which foresees the realization of activities in eight BiH Municipalities including the Municipality Zavidovići. Partners SEENET program - Vertical action 2B next-of Zavidovici municipalities of Zenica, Trnovo, Pale, Travnik, Sanski Most, RS Trnovo and Hadzici. Piemonte Region and Zavidovići Municipality signed an agreement for realization of the project named ,,Development of competitive production model for sustainable agriculture.''
More: http://www.see-net.org/