The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, Transfer for Youth - Research, formation and promotion of youth policies in FBiH.

The Youth Council as an umbrella organization that takes care of the issues and problems of youth in a local community does not exist in the municipality of Zavidovići, which has over 8000 young people (the 2013 census).

By establishing the Youth Council, young people from Zavidovici municipality would have an organization representing the interests of all young people, youth organizations and organizations working with young people in the way that it deals with youth policies and affect the development and well-being of young people.

Planned activities:

  • A preparatory meeting with youth organizations from the area of Zavidovići municipality;
  • Workshop on the Youth Council;
  • Workshop for drafting founding documents of the Youth Council of Zavidovići;
  • Founding Assembly of the Youth Council of Zavidovići;
  • Capacity building trainings for youth organizations that are members of the Youth Council;
  • Initial meeting for the formation of the Youth Council of the ZDK


Projekat je podržan od strane Federalnog ministarstva kulture i sporta, Transfer za mlade – Istraživanje, formiranje i promoviranje politika prema mladima u FBiH.

Vijeće mladih kao krovna organizacija koja se brine o pitanjima i problemima mladih u jednoj lokalnoj zajednici trenutno (2017) ne postoji na području općine Zavidovići koja ima preko 8000 mladih (popis iz 2013.).

Osnivanjem vijeća mladih, mladi sa područja općine Zavidovići bi imali organizaciju koja zastupa interese svih mladih, omladinskih organizacija i organizacija koje rade sa mladima na način da se bavi politikama koje se odnose na mlade i utiču na razvoj i dobrobit mladih.

Predviđene aktivnosti:

  • Pripreni sastanak sa organizacijama mladih sa područja općine Zavidovići;
  • Radionica o Vijeću mladih;
  • Radionica za izradu osnivačkih akata Vijeća mladih općine Zavidovići;
  • Osnivačka skupština Vijeća mladih općine Zavidovići;
  • Treninzi izgradnje kapaciteta za omladinske organizacije koje su članice vijeća mladih;
  • Inicijalni sastanak za formiranje Vijeća mladih ZDK

Two volunteers from LDA Zavidovići, Belma Merdanović and Nirvana Mahovac, represented the Youth Council of Zavidovići municipality on seminars in Strasbourg and Skopje. Belma Merdanović participated on seminar „Artificial Intelligence and its impact on Young People“ in European Youth Center of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg from 4 -6 December 2019. Nirvana Mahovac was a participant on regional seminar in North Macedonia called „Youth Initiative for Human Rights SKOPJE Youth Summit“ in Mladenski kulturen center in Skopje from 3-5 December 2019. VIJEĆA MLADIH OPĆINE ZAVIDOVIĆI NA DOGAĐAJIMA U STRAZBURU I SKOPJU Dvije volonterke ALD-a Zavidovići Belma Merdanović i Nirvana…
Members of the Youth Council of the Zavidovici Municipality painted Bosnian kilim on the city steps of Zavidovici. Kilim was drawn up as part of the "Youth Education - Active Citizens" project, which the Youth Council of Zavidovici applied on a public call for funds from the Transfer for financial support to encourage youth activism through projects and through socially useful work through public institutions and NGOs in the Budget of the Municipality of Zavidovići for 2019. The youth - members of the Youth Council worked on the project and presented their work at the summer "Pop-up galleries" organized by…
The constitutive session of the Youth Council of Zavidovići was held on February 16, 2018, at the LDA Zavidovići. The Youth Council was founded on the initiative of four non-governmental organizations from Zavidovići and represents an umbrella municipal organization for representing the interests of young people. The Youth Council of Zavidovici consists of four non-governmental organizations, the Local Democracy Agency, the Association of Citizens "", the Center for Culture, Education and Creative Development - Ceker and SKU "Duh-Animus". The Council will deal with creation of a better situation of youth in the Zavidovici municipality and increasing the participation of young…
Within the project "Formation of the Youth Council of the Zavidovići Municipality", the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići announced a public call for the creation of a visual identity, the logo, of the Youth Council of Zavidovići. On the 10th February 2018, the Commission for the selection of the proposals, composed of representatives of youth organizations from Zavidovići (Center for Culture, Education and Creative Development - Ceker, SKU Duh-Animus, and LDA Zavidovići), made an evaluation of the received proposals and made decision on a winning one. The winning proposal is the logo proposal of designer Dino Šabanović from Zavidovići, who…
Član I Agencija lokalne demokratije Zavidovići realizuje projekat „Formiranje Vijeća mladih općine Zavidovići“ odobren od strane Federalnog ministarstva kulture i sporta , Transfer za mlade – Istraživanje, formiranje i promoviranje politika prema mladima u FBiH. Prema Zakonu o mladima, Vijeće mladih je krovno tijelo za predstavljanje i zastupanje mladih i njihovih problema i potreba. Član II Za afirmaciju Vijeća mladih potrebno je izraditi adekvatan i prepoznatljiv vizuelni identitet koji će odražavati svrhu, duh i ambiciju Vijeća mladih, kao i raznovrsnost njenog članstva. Na ovaj način se još više želimo povezati sa mladim ljudima i pružiti im priliku za iskazivanje vlastitih…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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