Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership

Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership

The two year action is designed as a comprehensive set of capacity building and awareness raising activities which will be implemented through combined support measures intended for local NGO-s and local authorities to enhance citizen participation in policy and decision making process. Issue based and sectoral NGO networking represent a core of the action as the main prerequisite for their effective participation in creating a more supportive local environment for civic engagement.

Activities envisaged will support both horizontal and thematic, issue based co-operation between NGO-s operating within different local contexts and thus help harmonise and exchange local practices related with institutionalised (Agreement based) cooperation with local authorities and procedures for their financing. Awareness raising and training activities are designed to support the development and strengthening of local NGO-s resource centres, with particular emphasis on their improved participation in designing sectoral policies and local development strategies. The specific focus of the action is on CSO-s engaged in local democracy development, human/minority rights protection, intercultural dialogue, women’s and youth empowerment groups and environment protection.

LDA Zavidovići , together with partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, has completed the implementation of the project "Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership " during the last year. It was a two-year project that aimed to assist in strengthening the democratic role of NGOs in promoting citizen participation in local policy / decision-making by promoting the effective implementation of municipal co-operation agreements and sectoral NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the results of this project is the publication titled "The collection of written contributions", a collection of articles related to the topic of the…
Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar domaćin je završne aktivnosti projekta „Civilno društvo u akciji za dijalog i partnerstvo“, finalne konferencije pod nazivom „SPORAZUM KAO OSNOVA SARADNJE IZMEĐU CIVILNOG DRUŠTVA I VLASTI U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI“. Konferencija je održana u Mostaru u Hotelu Ero, 09. i 10. maja / svibnja 2013. Ovaj dvogodišnji projekt je realiziran uz podršku Delegacije Evropske unije u BiH u sklopu programa Podrška tematskim NVO mrežama. Vodeći partner je Asocijacija agencija lokalne demokratije, dok su ostali partneri organizacije-članice njihove mreže iz BiH, Hrvatske i Srbije – Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar, Zavidovići, Osijek i Subotica, kao i Forum građana…
“Civilno društvo u akciji za dijalog i partnerstvo” je dvogodišnji projekat koji ima za cilj da pomogne u osnaživanju demokratske uloge NVO-a u unapređivanju učešća građana u lokalnim politikama/donošenju odluka kroz promovisanje efikasne implementacije opštinskih sporazuma o saradnji i sektorskih Nvo-a na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine. Glavni ciljevi projekta su: • Podrška unapređenju organizacijskih i upravljačkih kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija koje su uključene u promociju demokratskog upravljanja na lokalnom nivou; • Podrška lokalnim inicijativama koje promovišu demokratske potencijale organizacija civilnog društva i njihovu ulogu u dobrom lokalnom upravljanju; • Podsticaj umrežavanju sektorskih nevladinih organizacija na lokalnom i regionalnom nivou u Bosni…
Representatives of the organizations implementing the project "Civil Society in Action for dialogue and partnership" had the opportunity to attend a workshop organized by TACSO (Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations) BiH, as part of their activities in support of non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on topic "Guidelines / monitoring component to eight networks supported under IPA 2009 national program". The workshop was held in Sarajevo from 13th to 14th February 2013, and was led by the Croatian expert Mladen Majetić. Prior to the workshops, a survey was conducted among all active participants in networked organizations. These workshops are…
As a part of the “Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership” project, Citizen Association “Democratic Centre New Hopes” Bihac, which is one of the partners in the project, organised a training with the topic „Communicating Skills and Public Relations“. The Training was intended for Municipality workers /local government officials from the municipalities/cities participating in the Project, and it was held from 13th to 14th of December 2012 in Bihac (BIH). The goal of the training was to strenghten the capacity of local authorities in cooperation with NGO's and with the society in whole, in order to facilitate the…
The “Civil society in action for dialogue and partnerships” project launched a call for written contributions for the project publication on: “municipal co-operation agreements in Bosnia and Herzegovina – from memorandum of understanding to local practice”. Deadline for submission of the written papers is the 23rd of November 2012. Download here the call: Invited to submit the papers are local CSO-s participating in advocacy actions and implementation of municipal co-operation agreements, local research and think - tank groups, NGO practitioners, LG experts and scholars from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The papers should fall into the following categories coinciding with the main…
As a part of the project "Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership", which is supported by the European Union, and is part of the IPA programme that supports networks of civil society organizations, LDA Zavidovici issued "Address Book of Associations Zavidovići", publication which brought together in one place all the basic information about citizens' associations and civil society organizations operating in the area of Zavidovici Municipality. The address book is organized into ten areas: culture, youth, environment, human rights and gender equality, social security, veterans associations, agriculture, sports, international organizations and others. Considering that it contains information about…
As a part of the “Civil Society in Action for Dialogue and Partnership” project, Citizen Association “Centre for Local Development Breza”, which is one of the partners in the project, organised a training on with the topic "Advocacy Skills Development“. The Training was intended for civil society organisations from the municipalities/cities participating in the Project, and it was held from 10 to 12 October 2012 in the Motel “Bosanska Piramida Sunca“ in Visoko (BIH). Representatives of four local CSO-s from Zavidovići took part in the training: „Mala sirena“, „Zejneb“, „Ceker“ and LDA Zavidovici. This will represent a significant improvement in…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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