Youth Exchanges
YOUTH EXCHANGE: OPEN CALL FOR 5 PARTICIPANTS-Citizenship on the Border: The Voices of Youth
22 Mar 2023
Are you between 18 and 30 years of age? Are you interested in expressing your opinions about mobility and citizenship in a creative way? Do you have a working knowledge of English? The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated how interconnected humanity truly is and the intricate relationship between health, climate and people. It has made us re-think a number of concepts that were already being questioned but have become more painfully important with the virus’ outbreak: How important is freedom of movement? What meaning do borders have? What does citizenship mean today? But what do young people think about the notion…
The international training ‘’Volunteer Management in Europe’s Youth sector’’ is the main activity of the project VOLS EU - Volunteer Management in Europe’s Youth sector. The training taking place in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina from March 27th – April 3rd and is organised by the Local Democracy Agency Mostar, which is the project’s lead partner. Young representatives from 12 partner organizations from EU and Western Balkans are participating in the workshops and lectures. The Training focuses on two key topics: volunteer management and the process of managing volunteer competences. Its consisted of several workshops using various creative techniques and methods…
04 Oct 2018
Local Democracy Agency Montenegro organized training for 35 youth workers from 8 countries (Western Balkan countries, Croatia and Turkey), in period of 25 – 30 September 2018, in Niksic, Montenegro. The training started with reception of participants in Municipal house in Niksic, where participants had the opportunity to be present at the event „Power and strength of written word„ as program part of the manifestation Days of European cultural heritage. Training program tended to help strengthening capacities for participation in policy making process of youth workers from the targeted countries, and that young people learn more about the possibilities and…
From 21 – 23rd of February, a meeting of the Youth's advocate project steering committee was held in Podgorica. The aim of the project is improving the capacity of youth workers in order to create and manage public advocacy and lobbying campaigns in the field of youth policy at local and regional level. The project is funded through the Erasmus + programme. The idea behind this meeting was to gather partner organizations from the project in order to prepare upcoming project activities, and establish the Project Steering Committee, which will take care of the implementation of project activities, as well…
30 Mar 2016
As part of the Youth with a plan project, implemented by LDA Mostar, and funded through the program ERASMUS +, K2, Capacity Building Youth - Western Balkans, on April 2nd begins the training for youth workers. It will be attended by two representatives of the Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići, and a total of 33 participants from 14 youth organizations, and 10 countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Romania, Italy and Belgium will attend the week-long training Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The training is designed for youth workers who already have experience with the program Youth…
22 Dec 2015
From August to December 2015, the Institute for Youth Development has organized training for Expert Associate on Youth Work in which participated Dino Sinanović as a representative of the Embassy of Local Democracy of Zavidovici and successfully completed the training. The training was attended by 26 young people from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the objective of the training is create and educate staff that will work with youth population, because young population does not have enough attention from authorities. The participants underwent five training modules with different thematic units (Youth Work, Youth Work and communication, organizational skills and…
Pogledi na prirodne, socijalne, historijske i kulturne pejzaže Bosne i Hercegovine su rezultat fotografskog i socijalnog istraživanja koje je uključilo u zajednički rad mlade ljude i učenike srednjih škola i fakulteta, Italijane i Bosance, fotografe, društvene istraživače koji su hodali ulicama, prošli gradove, posmatrali mjesta, razgovarali o znakovima ove krucijalne teritorije Evrope. Istraživačka koordinacija: Maria Perino, Piero Gorza Didaktička kooridnacija: Fabio Di Evangelista Organizacija: Slađan Ilić Doprinjeli: Andrea Rossini – Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, Dragan Šimšić profesor i književnik u Zavidovićima, Tommaso Acler – Ald Prijedor. Autori: Haris Bajrić, Federico Bellet, Alisa Ćatić, Dženan Ćatić, Leyla Degan, Sanjin Delić, Fabio Di…
INAUGURAZIONE 13 OTTOBRE ore 18 CentroGiovani H-Zone Alba La mostra fotografica è promossa e realizzata da ADL - Associazione per l’Ambasciata della Democrazia Locale a Zavidovići e Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Des Ambrois” – Oulx, To. Partner e promotori dell'iniziativa ad Alba sono l’Ufficio della Pace del Comune di Alba – l’Associazione Strani Vari e il Centro Giovani H-Zone. La mostra sarà visitabile dal 13 al 24 ottobre compresi,negli orari di apertura del Centro Giovani. E’ possibile organizzare e prenotare una visita guidata. Per informazioni e prenotazioni contattare l’Ufficio della Pace tel. 0173.292358 oppure Centro Giovani H-Zone tel. 0173.365026 DESCRIZIONE…