Strani Vari
The project “Strani Vari” started in 2003 and it has been designed, implemented and managed by young Bosnians and Italians who are between 18 and 28 years old. General goal of the Project is to provide recreational services for children and adolescents, during the summer period, in educational and animated section, in Zavidovici. During the years the methods, content and object has been improved, but they still keep the original basis which provides:
- Joint training of Bosnian and Italian young people about the educational and methodological aspects
- Programming of summer recreational centers on the theme chosen by the group (water, forest conservation, waste recycling, meeting between cultures)
- Management of the planned activities in the villages and Zavidovići directly by the Bosnian operators, activities in the city Zavidovići by entrusted to Italian volunteers
- Evaluation of the realized activities and programming for the next year
Over the years, the activity has intensified, including an average of 300 children from Zavidovići, 30 Italian volunteers, 20 Bosnian animators, different rural communities.
- To support creative expression and imagination of children;
- Sensitivity raising children on different themes;
- Indirect involvement of family and citizenship;
- To support the joint efforts of Bosnian and Italian animator;
- Expanding the form of participation of civil society organizations, strengthen joint activities of social significance;
- Promotion of the Association and voluntarism, and creating useful relations between the actors involved.
- Selection and training of Italian and Bosnian operator
- Contact with local partners
- Planning of animation activities that will take place in the villages and in the city
- Realization of summer recreational centers for children