Strani Vari

Strani Vari

The project “Strani Vari” started in 2003 and it has been designed, implemented and managed by young Bosnians and Italians who are between 18 and 28 years old. General goal of the Project is to provide recreational services for children and adolescents, during the summer period, in educational and animated section, in Zavidovici. During the years the methods, content and object has been improved, but they still keep the original basis which provides:

  • Joint training of Bosnian and Italian young people about the educational and methodological aspects
  • Programming of summer recreational centers on the theme chosen by the group (water, forest conservation, waste recycling, meeting between cultures)
  • Management of the planned activities in the villages and Zavidovići directly by the Bosnian operators, activities in the city Zavidovići by entrusted to Italian volunteers
  • Evaluation of the realized activities and programming for the next year

Over the years, the activity has intensified, including an average of 300 children from Zavidovići, 30 Italian volunteers, 20 Bosnian animators, different rural communities.


  • To support creative expression and imagination of children;
  • Sensitivity raising children on different themes;
  • Indirect involvement of family and citizenship;
  • To support the joint efforts of Bosnian and Italian animator;
  • Expanding the form of participation of civil society organizations, strengthen joint activities of social significance;
  • Promotion of the Association and voluntarism, and creating useful relations between the actors involved.


  • Selection and training of Italian and Bosnian operator
  • Contact with local partners
  • Planning of animation activities that will take place in the villages and in the city
  • Realization of summer recreational centers for children



31 Jul 2023
Strani Vari se vratio u Zavidoviće Projekt Strani Vari koji organizuje Agencija lokalne demokratije Zavidovići ove se godine, nakon par godina pauze, ponovo vratio u naš grad da zavidovićkim mališanima uljepša dane ljetnog raspusta. Strani Vari je trajao od 22.07. do 30.07.2023. te je uključivao 40 mladih volontera iz Italije i Zavidovića, te preko 400 djece. Strani Vari je projekt koji je nastao 2003. godine, ove godine je bilo jubilarnih 20. godina našeg projekta, kao suradnja zavidovićkih i italijanskih volontera da naprave projekt koji će tokom ljetnog raspusta našim mališanima donijeti zabavu i radost. Strani Vari je ljetni kamp za…
In the period from 14.7.2022. until 22.7.2022. young people from Zavidovići spent their time on an exchange in Alba. Eight days filled with workshops, excursions, entertainment, and getting to know each other left many impressions behind. It was attended by nine young people and their mentor Dino Sinanović. The team from Bosnia was accommodated with Italian friends and their families, who warmly hosted us, for which we are very grateful. It was also another way to get to know different cultures. The workshops were varied and of course educational. So, every day something new. However, everyone's favorite workshops were the…
Association "Strani Vari" from Alba, which cooperates with LDA Zavidovici for a long period in realization of summer recreation centers for children, organized study visit and educational workshops for a group of young animators from Zavidovici. The delegation from Zavidovici consisted of: Alma Ahmetovic, Ehlimana Alihodzic, Amina Kalabic, Elda Sabanovic, Amer Halilovic, Mirad Avdic and Ajdin Halilovic and accompanied by Sladjan Ilic, director of LDA Zavidovici visited Alba from 12-15 December 2019. During their stay in Italy, meetings were organized between young people from Zavidovici and Alba. On this occasion, the project "Strani Vari" was presented, discussed the topic of…
A special group animation training for young volunteers from Zavidovići has been held in Alba (Italy) from the 13th to the 17th of December 2018. Upon arrival in Alba, the Bosnian team met up with their Italian hosts from the Association „Strani vari". Strani Vari is a summer recreation center for children and youth. It has been held yearly for the past 16 years. The first day was marked by a kick scooter city tour of Alba, with a tour guide from the Center of culture of Alba. The city tour culminated with a visit to the archeological site in…
"White - circus performance", as a crown for two weeks' activities of the summer camp "Strani Vari 2018", was held in the Cultural Center Zavidovići n the 2nd August, 2018. Strani Vari as a link between young people from Zavidovići and Italy and a summer recreation center for children is being held in Zavidovići for sixteen years. Strani Vari as a summer recreation center for children and youth links from Zavidovići and Italy is being held in Zavidovići for sixteen years. The mutual visits of the volunteers developed a long-standing friendship. Through creative workshops, learning, games, communication and the use…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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