Strenghtening the role of women in public and political life

Strenghtening the role of women in public and political life

Council of Europe has engaged the LDA Zavidovici as a partner in their platform „Strenghtening Acountability of Women and Young Political Leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, which is implemented in local communities under the title „Strenghtening the Role of Women in Public and Political Life“. The goal of the project is to strenghten awareness of women about their role in the society, and to encourage them to think about how they can, through engaging in public and political life, influence the improvement of the situation in their community. Also, women who take part in the workshops and street campaigns will fill an anonymous questionnaires, which will be used for an comprehensive analysis of the status of women in BiH, conducted by the Council of Europe.

Jačanje uloge žena u javnom i političkom životu

Vijeće Evrope je uključilo ALD Zavidovići kao partnera u svojoj platformi „Jačanje utjecaja žena i mladih političkih lidera u BiH“, koja se u lokalnim zajednicama implementira pod nazivom „Jačanje uloge žena u javnom i političkom životu“. Cilj projekta je da se ojača svijest žena o njihovoj ulozi u društvu, i da ih se potakne na razmišljanje o tome na koji način one, svojim angažmanom u javnom i političkom životu, mogu doprinjeti popravljanju situacije u zajednici. Osim toga, žene koje budu obuhvaćene radionicama i uličnim kampanjama učestvovati će u anonimnoj anketi koja će poslužiti za sveobuhvatnu analizu socijalnog stanja žena u cijeloj BiH, koju provodi Vijeće Evrope. 

Local democracy agency Zavidovici started the implementation of the project „Strenghtening the role of women in public and political life“, in cooperation with the Council of Europe and USAID in June 2013. As a part of the project there will be three workshops on this topic – in Kovaci, Zavidovici (centre) and Žepče. Besides the workshops, by the end of June there will be also street campaigns, where promotional materials and symbolic gifts will be distributed for women. The goal of the project is to strenghten awareness of women about their role in the society, and to encourage them to…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
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