LINK 4 Cooperation

LINK 4 Cooperation

Strengthening local participation and cooperation through partnership of Public Authorities and CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina- LINK 4 Cooperation

Timespan: 2021 – 2023

Donor: Civil Society Facility and Media Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 – Support to existing and newly established CSOs networks in various ares


Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar)

Partners: Local Democracy Agency ZavidoviciLocal Democracy Agency Prijedor, Center for Development of Herzegovina Trebinje, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy and Association of agencies for local democracy – ALDA Skopje (Affiliated entity)


The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities of local authorities (elected leaders and civil servants) and civil society in implementing participative processes. Together they will identify concrete problems of the community that will find their solutions thanks to the participative approach. The project will therefore build capacities and solve problems, by consolidating the approach in the years to come.

The main target group of this project are the 40 local CSOs and grassroots organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 12 Local self-government units – municipal administration and local councilors as local decision makers.

Overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of CSOs engaged in public policy processes to become skilled and reliable partners in policy-making and reform processes in B&H.

Specific objectives: 

  1. Create stronger links to citizens by engaging in public policy process, reaching out to society as a whole including marginalized groups and grass root communities and encouraging civic activism and public participation in policy-making;
  2. Capable, transparent and accountable LAs;
  3. Effective CSOs;
  4. LAs have enabling policies and rules for grass root organizations and civic initiatives;
  5. CSOs create network for coalition-building for increased impact in campaigning and advocacy.

The whole process will involve about 20 local communities benefiting from improved public services in each municipality; around 12 LAs will have strengthened capacities to implement inclusive solutions for local problems; more than 40 CSOs will have improved skills and capacities for bringing positive local changes in their communities.

Jačanje lokalnog učešća i saradnje kroz partnerstvo javnih vlasti i OCD u Bosni i Hercegovini – LINK za Saradnju

Trajanje projekta: Januar 2021 – Decembar 2023

Donator: Program civilnog društva i medija za Bosnu i Hercegovinu 2019. – Podrška postojećim i novoosnovanim mrežama OCD u raznim oblastima

Aplikant: Agencija lokalne demokratije Mostar

Partneri: Agencija lokalne demokratije Zavidovići, Agencija Lokalne Demokratije Prijedor, Centar za razvoj Hercegovine (CRH) Trebinje, ALDA – Evropska asocijacija za lokalnu demokratiju i Asocijacija agencija lokalne demokratije – ALDA Skopje (Pridruženi partner)

Opis: Projekt promovira principe dobrog upravljanja s ciljem efikasnog i odgovornog upravljanja jedinica lokalne samouprave u Bosni i Hercegovini. Projekt će ojačati kapacitete lokalnih vlasti (izabranih lidera i državnih službenika) i civilnog društva u provođenju participativnih procesa. Zajedno će identificirati konkretne probleme zajednice koja će svoja rješenja pronaći zahvaljujući participativnom pristupu. Projekt će stoga izgraditi kapacitete i riješiti probleme, konsolidirajući pristup u godinama koje dolaze.

Glavna ciljna skupina ovog projekta su 40 lokalnih OCD-a i lokalnih organizacija iz Bosne i Hercegovine i 12 jedinica lokalne samouprave – općinska uprava i lokalni vijećnici kao lokalni donositelji odluka.

Opći cilj: Projekt teži jačanju kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva koje se bave procesima javnog zagovaranja kako bi postale obučen i pouzdan partner za kreiranje politika i reforme unutar BiH.

Specifični ciljevi:

  1. Stvoriti čvršće veze s građanima njihovim uključivanjem u proces javnih politika, dopiranjem do cijele društvene zajednice, uključujući marginalizovane grupe i lokalne zajednice  podsticanjem građanskog aktivizma i učešća javnosti u kreiranju politika;
  2. Unaprijediti sposobnost, transparentnost i odgovornost lokalne samouprave;
  3. Povećati efektivnost OCD;
  4. Dosegnuti do Lokalne samouprave na način da ona omogući politike i procedure za građanske inicijative lokalnih organizacija;
  5. Kreirati mreže OCD-a za izgradnju koalicija radi povećanog utjecaja na kampanje i zagovaranje

U cijeli proces će biti uključeno oko 20 lokalnih zajednica koje će imaju koristi od poboljšanih javnih usluga u svakoj opštini; oko 12 lokalnih samouprava će ojačati kapacitete za primjenu inkluzivnih rješenja za lokalne probleme; više od 40 OCD imat će poboljšane vještine i kapacitete za donošenje pozitivnih lokalnih promjena u svojim zajednicama.

Local Democracy Agency Mostar invites all civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to join the Participatory Democracy Network formed within the project “LINK 4 Cooperation” via the following LINK. Empower your CSO and local community! What are the benefits of becoming a member of the Network? An opportunity for education and capacity building of your organization through the training cycle of the Leadership Academy (LAP) program of the Council of Europe The possibility of applying for funds through the grant scheme in 2023 (the third year of the project) An opportunity to sign a memorandum of understanding with local…
Representatives of LDA Zavidovici organized a workshop for representatives of local authorities in Zavidovici as part of the implementation of the Council of Europe's ELoGE program in local self-governments, which is implemented through the project LINK for cooperation. The workshop was attended by representatives of the ELoGE teams of the City of Zavidovići, the Municipality of Maglaj and the Municipality of Žepče, who will carry out a self-assessment of their activities in their local administrations in the next months. When carrying out the self-assessment, the views of citizens, city/municipal administration and local elected officials will be taken into account, relying…
As part of the project "Strengthening local participation and cooperation through partnership of public authorities and civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - LINK 4 Cooperation", financed by the European Union, the first Forum for the exchange of best practices of cooperation between civil society organizations (CSOs) and local authorities was held in Zavidovići on March 17, 2022. In addition to representatives of the international community and representatives of donors, the Forum was also attended by representatives of local authorities and CSOs from Berković, Jablanica, Kostajnica, Maglaj, Mostar, Nevesinje, Novi Grad, Prijedor, Ravno, Trebinje, Zavidovići and Žepče, who jointly…
The inaugural conference of the project "Strengthening local participation and cooperation through the partnership of public authorities and civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina - LINK for cooperation" brought together representatives of 12 cities / municipalities of BiH in Mostar on June 18, 2021. We have officially started cooperation with the cities / municipalities of Berkovići, Jablanica, Kostajnica, Maglaj, Mostar, Nevesinje, Novi Grad, Prijedor, Ravno, Trebinje, Zavidovići and Žepče. At the conference, the project consortium presented the plan of activities and expected results of the three-year project. The project promotes the principles of good and responsible management of local…
Timespan: 2021 – 2023 Donor: Civil Society Facility and Media Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2019 – Support to existing and newly established CSOs networks in various ares Applicant: Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar) Partners: Local Democracy Agency Zavidovici, Local Democracy Agency Prijedor, Center for Development of Herzegovina Trebinje, ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy and Association of agencies for local democracy – ALDA Skopje (Affiliated entity) Description: The project promotes principles of good governance with a view to effective and responsive performance of the local government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will empower the capacities…

Where we are

Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

Omladinska 10
72220 Zavidovici, Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/fax +387 32 877 008
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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