12 Apr 2013

Local Democracy Agency Zavidovići organized the visit of  the Ambassador of Austria in BiH to Zavidovici on Thursday April 11th 2013, within the project "European and Our Affairs", which is funded by the EU.

H.E. Donatus Köck arrived in Zavidovici in the afternoon, and upon arrival the reception was held in the office of Municipality Mayor, Suad Omerasevic. Representatives of the Municipality took this pleasant conversation as an opportunity to inform Ambassador about important facts related to Zavidovici, it's economic and social situation, and to express willingness to cooperate in every way.

Next there was the signing of the Memorandum of European partnership between the Municipality Zavidovići and European Movement in BiH, by which Zavidovići have become the 36th party to this Memorandum in BiH.

The most massive and the most interesting part of the event was the visit of entire delegation, which was, besides the Ambassador, composed by the Mayor Suad Omerasevic and Chairman of the Municipal Council Radoslav Petrovic, to the High school Rizah Odžečkić, where students have appropriately welcomed the Ambassador and organized representation of their school in German language, for which they were adequately prepared by their language teachers. Then H.E. Donatus Köck lectured the students on various aspects of accession to the EU and how it can be beneficial to them. Also in the session of questions and answers they discussed the possibilities of studying in Austria for students from BiH, which are huge thanks to friendly relations of the country towards students from BiH.

After meeting with the students, the delegation went to the grounds of IP „Krivaja“, where there are many buildings built in the Austro-Hungarian period. The Ambassador there visited the famous Villa of Zavidovici, now an office building for the management of „Krivaja“, and the museum which includes old machines originating from the time of birth of the town and the industry in this region.  This was also an opportunity to extensively discuss the future of industrial plants, many of which are now unused.

After "Krivaja", the whole delegation, headed by Ambassador, visited the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Zavidovici. To the Ambassador it was was interesting to see that the church, which was built in 1914 in neo-Gothic style, looks like many religious buildings constructed during this period in Austria.

After a pleasant conversation with Reverend Miro Beslic, followed a dinner at Kristal Hotel, which also marked the end of this short but rich and enjoyable visit.

However, after dinner, the Ambassador expressed his interest and briefly visited the park in the center of Zavidovici where the famous stone sphere is, while a tour of stone sphere discovery site, as well as Natural Monument Tajan, is left for the next visit.

This project is funded by the European Union.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”



Ambasada lokalne demokracije Zavidovići je u četvrtak, 11.04.2013.godine, u okviru realizacije projekta „Evropska i naša posla“, koji finansira EU, organizovala posjetu ambasadora Austrije Zavidovićima.

Nj.E. Donatus Köck je u Zavidoviće stigao u popodnevnim satima, a odmah po dolasku je upriličen prijem u kabinetu načelnika Općine, Suada Omeraševića. Predstavnici Općine su ovu priliku iskoristili da kroz ugodan razgovor upoznaju ambasadora sa važnim činjenicama vezanim za Zavidoviće, privrednu i socijalnu situaciju, te da izraze spremnost na saradnju u svakom smislu.

Nakon toga, obavljeno je potpisivanje Memoranduma o evropskom partnerstvu između Općine Zavidovići i Evropskog pokreta BiH, čime su Zavidovići postali 36. Općina potpisnica ovog Memoranduma u BiH

Najmasovniji i najzanimljiviji dio ove posjete bio je boravak cijele delegacije, u kojoj su pored ambasadora bili i načelnik Suad Omerašević i predsjedavajući Općinskog vijeća Radoslav Petrović, u J.U. Gimnazija Rizah Odžečkić,  gdje su učenici na prikladan način pozdravili ambasadora i upriličili predstavljanje njihove škole na njemačkom jeziku, za šta su ih adekvatno pripremili njihovi profesori jezika. Potom je Nj.E. Donatus Köck održao predavanje učenicima o raznim aspektima pristupanja u EU i na koji način to može da bude njima od koristi. Također se u sesiji pitanja i odgovora govorilo o mogućnostima studiranja učenika iz BiH u Austriji, koje su velike zahvaljujući prijateljskom odnosu ove države prema studentima iz BiH.

Sa susreta sa učenicima, delegacija je produžila u prostore I.P. Krivaja, gdje se nalaze mnoge građevine izgrađene u austrougarskom periodu. Ambasador je posjetio poznatu zavidovićku Vilu, sada poslovnu zgradu rukovodstva „Krivaje“, te muzej u kome se nalaze stare mašine koje potiču iz vremena rađanja samog grada i industrije na ovim prostorima. I ovo je bila prilika da se intenzivno razgovara o budućnosti industrijskih postrojenja od kojih mnoga sada stoje neiskorištena.

Nakon „Krivaje“, cijela delegacija na čelu sa ambasadorom  je posjetila katoličku crkvu Sv. Josipa u Zavidovićima. Ambasadoru je bilo zanimljivo vidjeti da crkva, sagrađena 1914.godine u neogotičkom stilu, izgleda kao većina vjerskih objekata sagrađenih u tom periodu u Austriji.

Nakon ugodnog razgovora sa velečasnim Mirom Bešlićem, usljedila je večera u hotelu Kristal, koja je ujedno označila i kraj ove kratke ali bogate i ugodne posjete.

Ipak, nakon večere je ambasador izrazio interes i  kratko posjetio i park u centru Zavidovića u kojem se nalazi poznata kamena kugla, dok je obilazak nalazišta kamenih kugli, kao i Spomenika prirode Tajan, zakazan za neki sljedeći posjet.

Ovaj projekat finansira Evropska Unija.

“Ova publikacija sačinjena je uz podršku Evropske Unije. Punu odgovornost u pogledu sadržaja publikacije snosi ALDA, te ista ni na koji način ne odražava stavove Evropske Unije”

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Agencija lokalne demokratije
LDA Zavidovici

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